Owlets & Little Owls
Old Basing Village Hall
Around the time of their second birthday, or just afterwards, our Nestling children make the move from The Nest to the Village Hall and become Owlets. The following academic year, these children become Little Owls. Owlets and Little Owls are supported by one team which is led by Alicia, our Owlets and Little Owls Team Leader.
Transition from Nestlings to Owlets & Little Owls takes the form of regular stay-and-play sessions within the Little Owls Room (for new starters and Nestlings) as well as the opportunity to join the older children for story time before lunchtime.
We group our Owlets and Little Owls together in their play and exploration space in the main hall so that as they grow more curious and aware of their environment our staff are able to lead and guide them in a more developmentally appropriate way for their needs.
Little Owls
At times our Little Owls are grouped independently of the Owlets in order to explore different areas of learning or to undertake a new experience. As the academic year passes, our Little Owls naturally engage in more whole group sessions such as story time and mindfulness and move from playing alongside others to playing together.
For all of children transition from Owlets to Little Owls and Little Owls to Fledglings takes place in September in alignment with the academic year.
Our Owlets & Little Owls Room has the following areas:
Cosy Corner
Snack Corner
Small World & Awe and Wonder
Role Play and Imaginative
Malleable and Sensory
Discovery, creativity, and hands-on exploration
The rooms and garden have been designed to evolve easily in order to meet the emerging needs of all of the children in this phase.
It is during their time as Owlets and Little Owls that littles ones grow increasingly confident with the expectations placed upon them and explore the environment with confidence and ease. The familiar set up each morning offers reassurance to the children who can find their favourite resources quickly. Storage is open and shelving is carefully prepped so that equipment is visible. Open, portable baskets and zoning help children to navigate their environment and initiate play.
We encourage children to actively transport items between areas when immersed in play and return items to where they belong when they have finished playing with them - therefore instilling pride in their environment as well as a sense of ownership and responsibility.
Shelving is carefully positioned to prevent children from walking through construction areas; this means that children can build freely and organise resources without fear of them being knocked over.
At snack time and during art activities, our practitioners spend time modelling and supporting little ones to pour out and measure quantities and to clean up after themselves when there is a spillage-this isn't always effective but it offers yet another learning opportunity within the nursery school day!.